For payroll processing, you can choose to enter variables per employee. However, using the Browser variable data is much more efficient. Inputs are saved in the interim, and you can fill in all variables for your employees at once. Com.pas has already created a data input template for this. If you wish to make changes by adding or removing specific components, please let us know.

You will find the browser variable data in the top right corner of the new, then click the button as shown above.
As soon as you have finished making changes, you can indicate this by using the alarm bell icon in the ‘Salarisverwerking’ (Payroll Processing) tab within the payroll carousel. This can also be done for the previous period for which payroll processing has already taken place, as there may still be additional processing required. To clarify, the alarm bell icon is highlighted in red below.
As soon as this alarm bell is clicked, the screen below will appear. We have already filled in the email address of your contact person at Com.pas. An additional remark about this period can also be entered in this screen. This remark will also be shown to Com.pas in the accompanying e-mail.
As soon as the Send button is clicked, a notification will appear in the top right corner indicating that the email has been sent. Com.pas will receive a message at this point so that we can begin the payroll processing.